“Throwing off his cloak, he jumped up and went to Jesus.” (Mk 10:50)

Bartimaeus was a poor blind beggar who was living on the little donations which people dropped in his begging bowl. Most probably, he had no home or family of his own. The cloak that he carried with him was the entirety of his possessions. It was his bed to sleep, a mantle to shield him from the sun and wind, a safe place to deposit his earnings. It was a home to comfort him. At the summons of Jesus, Bartimaeus threw away his dear cloak and ran joyfully to Jesus.

Bartimaeus was ready to throw away his only possession because he realized that Jesus is someone worth much more than this world’s entire riches. He thought that there may not be another chance coming his way and so he had to utilize it now. His primary motive was to gain sight and he would not allow any of his petty attachments to block him from achieving it.

Bartimaeus is an example for us to throw our ‘cloaks’ away. We can come before the presence of Jesus for a miracle, only if we give up our little attachments. Bartimaeus received a new life because he was ready to lose everything he owned. We need to find out, what really blocks us from coming before God and which one of our ‘cloaks’ we need to throw far away from us. They may be certain habits, views, past achievements, future aspirations, or inclinations. We must surrender to God and trust in Him.

– Fr Ranjan D’Sa

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