The Saint Dominic’s Catholic Women’s League (CWL) council is part of an international organization rooted in gospel values, calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.

What is the CWL? It is the largest national organization of Catholic women in Canada.

Why should I join? The CWL provides personal and spiritual growth, friendship and fun.

The Saint Dominic’s CWL was established in 1955, the same year as Saint Dominic Parish and both celebrated 65 years in 2020. Presently, the Saint Dominic CWL comprises 75 paying members as well as a 7-member Executive. This year’s Theme proclaimed by our National President is:


The CWL meets on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Church for prayer and rosary with our Spiritual Director, Deacon Terry. This is followed by our meeting in the Parish Centre at 7:30 pm. Annual membership cost is $40.00.

If you are interested in learning more about or joining the CWL, please contact Wendy Rutherford at   [email protected]

Links:   National:   |   Provincial:   |   Diocesan:

Recent Updates

Baby Shower for Shifra Homes

“I wanted to take this moment to mxpress my sincere gratitude for the beautiful baby shower you all organized and held for our mothers and babies. Your gifts were so beautiful and very generous! … Thank you for making compassion a reality within our community!”

Thank you to all the generous benefactors of our baby shower for the women and children at Shifra Homes! You helped us raise over $1000 for this wonderful organization! Please read the full thank you letter from Nancy, below.

Thank You

Mother’s Day Roses

The Mother’s Day sale of roses was a huge success. We sold out of roses multiple times.

Spring Donation Drive

The Spring Donation Drive was a big success! Thank you to all parishioners for your generous participation.

DeMazenod Door

Another thank you to the wonderful parishioners of Saint Dominic. Last November, the CWL held a Soup and Bun Luncheon to raise funds to sponsor a DeMazenod Door BBQ. Through the generosity of our parish community, we raised $1500, which was used for the BBQ sponsorship and to support residents of Eugene Place, another DeMazenod initiative that provides transitional housing for a group of men trying to get back on their feet. The DeMazenod BBQ took place on April 14th. It consisted of a team of 8 volunteers who helped prepare and serve food to 300 – 400 of Hamilton’s most vulnerable. Thank you again for you generosity and please keep Fr. Tony, the DeMazenod Door Staff, volunteers and their clients in your prayers. These wonderful people are definitely doing God’s work.

Upcoming CWL Events

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Upcoming CWL Meetings (7:00 pm)

april 2025

07apr7:00 pmCWL Meeting