“Talitha, Koum”

‘Talitha, Koum’ – ‘little girl, get up’. And she gets up. Does she live forever?

Every living being must die one day. Death seems to be in the very nature of every living thing. Death remains a mystery and an enemy. However, there is good news: through the death and resurrection of Jesus we have gained the victory over death. It is no more a painful departure to nothingness, but a passage of love and life that leads to God. Talitha will live forever.

Our God is the God of the living, who wishes that everyone should have the opportunity to live life to the full. Sin damages and the result is we are unable to celebrate the fullness of life. When we sin, we die to that part of our life affected by sin. Alcoholism, drug addiction, lust, excessive attachment to power, prestige and wealth takes away the joy of celebrating the fullness of life. They cause death in our spirit.

Today, Jesus holds our hand and tells us: ‘Talitha Koum’; not just to rise up from our luke-warmness, but to become instruments that bring life and love to the world we live in. Jesus made himself available to bring joy in the life of Jairus. Jesus valued life as God’s precious gift to all. If we can imitate Christ in bringing some cheer to someone’s life, then we will be echoing the same words Jesus used; “Talith Koum”.

–Fr. Ranjan D’Sa OCD

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