During the Lenten season, we meditated on the mystery of our salvation and prepared ourselves for the greatest moment of our human history: the paschal mystery – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – the Son of God – who put on human nature for our salvation.
Then, during the Easter season, we continued to contemplate the mystery of our own eternal life in the resurrection of Christ.
Now, as we get back to the ordinary time in the liturgical calendar, it is appropriate to take a moment and have a glimpse at the very nature of God, whom we have been worshipping in Christ.
This Sunday, we celebrate the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Though this mystery is beyond our comprehension, we are invited to admire and bask in the immense love of this God, who is indescribable and unfathomable. It is important to have some idea of our God, because, in a way we become what we worship and admire. Through worship and prayers, we can experience this immense God and enter into His presence.
There is a story about a man, who used to climb a mountain and sit near the edge of a cliff to contemplate the breathtaking beauty of the nature that was before him. One day, as he was in deep meditation in the quiet surroundings, he realized that he was not all alone. He felt a presence there. Slowly, he realized that the presence grew around him and became humongous. He knew without any doubt that this presence was God’s Presence. He felt that he was so little before that presence, yet, greatly loved and secure. The Feast of the Holy Trinity invites us to experience this God in our lives.
God loves to give us His presence because He loves us unconditionally. The experiential mystery of God is deeper than the definition the Divine Trinity. Three persons in one God tells us that God lives a life of Community, He is a family Himself. Our God is a God of relationship. He loves us and cares for us. We are His creation – His children. He has created us in His own image and therefore, we are precious to Him. The Feast of the Divine Trinity summons us for a deeper relationship with our God.
A part of God is in all of us. We are made for love. Let us experience the love that God has for us and share it to all we meet in our lives.
–Fr. Ranjan D’Sa OCD