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Did you know – that in addition to several talented musical choirs, cantors and individuals, 13 volunteer lay ministers are required for each of our Sunday liturgies? For our three weekend liturgies, that’s 39 lay ministers. You too can join these leaders!

More volunteers – youth and adult – are always welcome! Below you’ll find descriptions of each Lay Ministry as well as information on the various music ministries. We are grateful for those who currently volunteer but will be most appreciative for new recruits.


Ministers of the Altar (Altar Servers)

Youth, adults and family groups act as Ministers of the Altar for Sunday Masses as well as holidays and other special liturgies like First Communion and Confirmation. Three altar servers are needed for each Sunday Mass – a cross bearer and two acolytes.

Youth volunteers must have received their First Communion; otherwise the ministry is open to all ages.

Altar servers participate in the opening and closing processions. Acolytes also carry candles leading the Presider or Deacon to the Ambo for proclamation of the Gospel. Altar servers hold the Presider’s Missal, set the altar table and assist him throughout the celebration of the Eucharist.

The Cross Bearer escorts the parishioners who bring the bread and wine in the Presentation of Gifts. When Children’s Liturgy coincides with Sunday Mass, the Cross Bearer also leads the children back into the church prior to the Presentation of Gifts.

Training is provided and is generally conducted as part of either 9:00 am or 11:00 am Sunday Mass. Direct contact is made with volunteers (or their parents) for support, cooperation and scheduling. Upon successful completion of training, altar servers’ contact information is provided to the Parish Office for scheduling purposes. Altar servers have access to the Ministry Scheduler to define their availability and to request swap dates with others.

Contact:   Judi Kingry    [email protected]

Children’s Liturgy

The Children’s Liturgy program is provided during the 11:00 am Sunday Masses to children from Kindergarten to Grade 3. The program is a special age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word. No registration is required for children. Following the opening prayer, they are led to the chapel where ministers present a simplified version of that day’s readings and prayers. The children return to their parents for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Children’s Liturgy usually runs from October through May.

Volunteer Ministers of Children’s Liturgy are required to obtain a criminal record check and complete the Vulnerable Sector screening form. Volunteer training is provided. For details of the program, click here.

Contact:   Please contact the parish office.

Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed by the pastor and instructed in the profound significance of the service they will provide. At Sunday Masses, three extra-ordinary ministers assist ordained clergy with distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful during Mass. On certain occasions these ministers also may be needed to bring Holy Communion to individuals who are unable to come to church due to health issues.

Ministers of the Word (Lectors)

During Sunday Masses, Lectors proclaim the Word of God (readings) from the lectionary, and present the Prayers of the Faithful to the congregation.

Lectors are drawn from both adult and youth parishioners. Two lectors are required for each Sunday liturgy. Each designated volunteer receives a Lector’s Workbook which includes the year’s readings, explanations, and tips on preparing to proclaim them at Mass. Petitions are emailed to designated lectors prior to their assigned Masses. Lectors read 1 to 4 times per month or when scheduled, and have access to the Ministry Scheduler to define availability and request swap dates with others.

Contact:   The Parish Office

Music Ministries

‘Voices from the Pews’ Choir

This choir contributes to the Lord’s Day, Sunday Mass at 9:00 am on special occasions. Rehearsals take place a few weeks before the Mass. No auditions necessary but a willingness to serve the Lord in song and a commitment to practices.

Contact:   Dylan D’Costa   [email protected]


A sacristan is an individual who prepares the altar, books, vessels and candles in anticipation for the Holy Mass. This is done in advance of each Mass, whether on weekdays, Sundays, holy days, special celebrations, weddings and funerals. Prior to weekend Masses, this individual secures and/or confirms necessary ministers for the liturgy. After Mass, the sacristan also performs various tasks. Sacristans for selected Masses may also open the church before the liturgy and lockup afterwards. Training is provided for all new volunteers. Sacristans are scheduled on a rotating basis and have access to the Ministry Scheduler to define their availability and request to swap dates with others.

Contact:   Judi Kingry      [email protected]

Sacristy Team

a.k.a. SWAT (Sacristy, Wipe and Tidy) Team, a name given the group by the late Rev. Msgr. Roger Formosi

On a weekly basis, team members wash sacred vessels; launder altar linens and altar server’s albs; replenish candle oil; dust and tidy the chapel, sacristy, sanctuary, vestry and church. We clean interior windows throughout the church and narthex entrances and clean the floor of the sanctuary. Members also re-organize materials in hymnal pockets; clean and refill Holy Water receptacles and tidy existing church decorations. Designated plant lovers tend and water all flowers and plants throughout the church and parish centre. The commitment is Wednesdays throughout the year, for about 1 hour following the 8:30 am Mass.

Contact:   Judi Kingry   [email protected]

Ministers of Hospitality

Ministers of Hospitality

This important ministry is charged with the crucial task of making parishioners and visitors welcome at Saint Dominic. The ministry is open to both youth and adult members of our community. For each Sunday liturgy, four Ministers of Hospitality are required. Hospitality ministers are also needed for special events like First Communion, Confirmation as well as seasonal celebrations.

Ministers of hospitality are asked to arrive at the church 20 to 30 minutes prior to Mass time so they can be at their assigned position wearing a smile to welcome and assist people with seating as they arrive for Mass.

It’s a great way to meet people! Ministers are scheduled 1 to 3 times per month and have access to the Ministry Scheduler to define their availability and request swap dates with others. If you would like to join the team, you are most welcome. We welcome recruits of all ages.

Contact Person:   Judi Kingry      [email protected]

Assignments for lay ministers are managed via Ministry Scheduler Pro, an online program that publishes each volunteer’s Mass time and assignment dates. Ministers receive an account to view their schedules on their computer or cellphone. They then receive email assignment notifications at the beginning of each scheduling period as well as reminder emails prior to each appointment. The program lets ministers specify their preferred Mass time, frequency of service as well as dates on which they will be unavailable. In the event a minister is unable to attend a specific assignment, they can request a substitute or SWAP online. A notice is then transmitted to their ministry group to allow someone to volunteer to cover the assignment.

All ministers are assigned on a rotating schedule, based on personal availability and the number of volunteers within their ministry group.


  • Prior to each service, all ministers must check in with the designated Sacristan for that service.
  • Written instructions are provided for each Ministry.
  • Training sessions – individual and/or group – for each ministry are scheduled as needed.