Conquest & Challenge Junior Program
Conquest & Challenge are Catholic Youth Ministry Programs for boys and girls from grades 2 to grade 8 designed to instill virtue, develop character, and encourage spiritual growth all in an atmosphere of fun and adventure. The program focuses on saints and heroes with Jesus as their brother and friend. The children are motivated to acquire basic elements of friendship such as trust, loyalty, and sincerity and to see obedience as a good thing, especially out of love for Jesus. The children learn about virtue through stories of the saints, videos and dynamic virtue activities. Also included are sports, crafts and snacks.
The high school program (8th to 12th grade) is for teen volunteers who facilitate the group. It helps teens to reach their leadership potential and equip them face to face and overcome the challenges of the world while making a positive difference. It helps our youth to grow in Catholic spiritual formation and a ‘call to serve’ that is apostolically driven. Volunteer hours are granted for high school.
The children don’t just talk about their faith, they live it! The program helps children to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and what God may be calling them to do in their state in life. Parents are encouraged to attend.
Meetings are held at St. Dominic School every Tuesday from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration for September 2024 – June 2025 is available online by clicking the link below. Children from all parishes are welcome.
Contact Email: [email protected]
To register, please complete our online form by clicking here.
Please also ensure to complete and upload the below documents in your registration:
Young Vincentians
The Young Vincentians are inviting all grade 7 to Grade 12 youth to live the Gospel message by serving God and His people in our community. The 11:00 am Mass on every third Sunday of the month will be a Young Vincentian Mass. The group will then meet at the parish hall after Mass to plan their community outreach projects.
Our mission is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, and joy!
The Young Vincentians group is modeled after the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul’s spirituality and focus of helping others. If you are looking to make some new friends, help a neighbour in need, or have an idea for a project to improve the lives of those in your community, come and join us. The Young Vincentians are looking for youths with a passion for the service of others.
If you are interested in helping out, or have any questions… you can reach us at: [email protected]
Youth Study Night
All high school and elementary students are invited to get some study help or just enjoy some good company while studying at our Youth Study nights. These take place every Thursday evening from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm in the parish hall.
University students offer assistance to high schoolers and the high schoolers assist those students in elementary school. Volunteers hours will be given to high school students. See you there!
Wanderlight:™ A Pilgrim’s Adventure is a groundbreaking online game for Catholic kids of all ages as well as those interested in learning about the Catholic faith. The game invites players to explore the four pillars of the Catholic Faith in an engaging and beautiful virtual world and venture out in their role as “the Pilgrim”—a faith-filled seeker on a quest to discover and experience core teachings of the faith while practicing how to “walk in the light” and live as a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.
Sunday School
Help your children learn about this Sunday’s readings and Gospel passage. Click below for weekly Sunday School resources.
March 09, 2025 – Sunday School – Jesus is like us in all things, but sin!
Children's Liturgy
Our children’s liturgy runs on Sundays at the 11:00 am Mass. Adult or high school volunteers are needed. Volunteer hours will be granted. Please contact the parish office.
In the children’s liturgy, kids go to the chapel with adult leaders to learn about our faith and to hear the Mass readings in an age-appropriate way. We talk about the scriptures and the children participate in fun activities like drawing and colouring.
Children can serve Saint Dominic Parish as Conquest and Challenge leaders (see above), altar servers, lectors, hospitality ministers, choir members and helpers at social events.
Youth Ministers of the Altar serve the parish by assisting the Pastor at the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Sunday Masses, weddings and other special liturgies as required. They take part in the opening and closing processions, assist the Presider by holding his book of prayers during certain parts of the liturgy, and assist in preparing for the celebration of the Eucharist. They also assist during the Christmas and Holy Week liturgies for children as well as for Confirmations.
Training is provided and is generally conducted as part of either 9:00 am or 11:00 am Sunday Mass, with positive critique usually following. Direct contact is made with volunteers’ families for support, cooperation and scheduling. Upon successful completion of training, altar servers’ contact information is provided to the Parish Office for scheduling purposes. Altar servers have access to the Ministry Scheduler to define their availability and to request swap dates with others.
Contact: Judi Kingry [email protected]
Ministers of the Word (lectors) serve the parish by proclaiming the Word of God from the lectionary. Prior to Mass, they prepare and prayerfully contemplate the scheduled readings. Youth lectors serve at the 9:00 am and other special youth-oriented celebrations. Adult lectors are needed at all weekday and weekend Masses.
All lectors receive a workbook to help in their preparation, as well as training. Lectors read 1 to 4 times per month or when scheduled and have access to the Ministry Scheduler to define availability and request swap dates with others.
Contact: The Parish Office
Ministers of Hospitality warmly greet parishioners and visitors arriving at Mass. We answer questions and help those who need to find a seat. We help organize the collection and distribute the bulletin after Mass. This is an essential ministry that creates a loving and welcoming community family. It’s a great way to meet people too! Ministers of Hospitality are scheduled 1 to 3 times per month and have access to the Ministry Scheduler to define their availability and request swap dates with others. If you would like to join the team, you are most welcome. We welcome recruits of all ages!
Contact: Judi Kingry [email protected]
Youth can earn service hours and socialize within the parish by assisting with Parish Social Events such as the Pancake Supper, the Pasta Dinner, and the Parish Picnic.
Contact: Warren Manoff [email protected]