We are in the Holy Week. For Christians it is the most important week of the year. During this Holy Week, we contemplate on the mystery of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. We start the week with Palm Sunday also known as Passion Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. People of Jerusalem, in a way, recognize Jesus as a Prophet promised in the Old Testament. They give Him a king’s welcome. In fact, they wanted to make him a king, but God had other plans for Him.  God’s plans will be revealed during the coming ‘holy’ week.

The next significant event is the Passover Meal that Jesus will eat with his Disciples. It was Jesus’ last supper on this earth. During the supper, Jesus took the bread, broke it and said, “this is my body which will be broken for the salvation of all.” Then He took the cup of wine in His hands and said, “this is my blood, shed for the forgiveness of the people.” What Jesus did symbolically at the last supper, He would fulfill the next day on the cross. He would sacrifice Himself for the salvation of humanity.

In John’s Gospel, the breaking of the bread and breaking of his body (dying on the Cross) is signified in a symbolic action by the washing of the disciples’ feet. John brings out beautifully the meaning of Jesus’ lifelong preaching on love of neighbour and dying for one another with this simple act of washing the feet.

Good Friday is the greatest moment of our Christian history. Jesus dies on the cross that we may live in the presence of God. Jesus at this moment becomes the Paschal Lamb who would take away our sins. The cross of Christ is the hope of every human person’s eternal life. Jesus crucified is our gate to heaven. Here at the cross God has become the Father of all believers.

Easter Sunday is about the triumph of love over death. Love is greater than death. The love of God conquers everything, even death. Easter Sunday is all about God’s infinite love for all humanity. On Sunday we will be proclaiming – Alleluia Jesus is risen, He is alive and is with us. In the Risen Christ, we will be fully alive in the presence of God.

I wish you all a spirit filled Holy Week where we all can be transformed by the love of God. Then during the Easter season, we will live our transformation, proclaiming through our lives Christ’s risen presence among us.

– Fr. Ranjan D’Sa OCD

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